Category: Renaissance Art
Most of my role models and favorite Masters belong to the period in history known as the Renaissance. The greatest, in my view was Michelangelo Buanorotti, architect, sculptor and painter. In that order. Then a plethora of them from each of whom I learned a great deal: Rubens, Titian, Raphael…
The French term Renaissance emerged in the 19th century and was used to describe an entire period of rebirth, occurring between the 14th and 17th centuries. Artists of this time looked back to those before them while incorporating a greater sense of light and color through new mediums. Creating a sense of space was also a major innovation of the time, as was perspective, a clever device that causes your eye to see in three-dimension. Art during the Renaissance was mostly made for commissions or religious reasons. Baxandall points out that by the end of the 15th century, contracts concerning commissions specified that most of the painting must be done by the masters’ hand. It was the work of the master that brought with it the most money and prestige.